Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

All Set Up And Ready To Go!

Good evening our loyal blog readers.  How is your night going? (We are going to safely assume your night is going excellent as you can't really respond to our questions here).  Time to get to the meat and potatoes (yum) of this posting: drum roll please (again, at this point I just have to assume you are drum rolling.  Thanks for playing along)....

Our apartment is completely set up!
It is done!
(you get the picture) (and if you don't:)
Ready for pictures? Well, if you're not, they are coming anyway!

Picture #1: A beautiful master bedroom, complete with brown plaid bedding, large organized calender, and two dark end tables.  Who could ask for more?

Wow, this bedroom looks eerily similar to the first picture.  Yes, we set up our guest bedroom to look exactly like the master, complete with the same bedding, posters, and end tables.  Just-a-kidding! We are not that crazy (nor do we have the energy needed to pull that off)!

As it turns out, we really like taking pictures of our bedroom.  Let's play a game.  I spy something red.  Got it? Okay, too easy.  I spy something something yellow.  Did you find it?  Yes? No? Oh, well, as it turns out, there is no yellow in this picture.  Bummer...

Ah yes, before we leave the bedroom, we had to take a picture of our bedroom television and famous "To Have & To Hold" banner from our wedding.  I promise, this is the last picture of the bedroom. Time to relax and watch some TLC, or maybe some Discovery, nope Storage Wars is on.'s starting.

Okay, I lied.  This is the last pic. of the bedroom (or is it?)  Just wanted to show our cool closet.  In case you were wondering, yes, it does lead to Narnia.

Ta Da! Living room time!  Look out for the giraffe!  Quick, hide on our super-comfortable couch, or maybe grab an interesting book from one of our bookcases, or maybe...

play Pictionary (though I should warn you, Brian & Nina play to win).  Quick side note, why do Brian & Nina sometimes refer to themselves in third person?  To conceal their identities of course.  Who is writing this posting? Brian? Or Nina? Or both? The world will never know...

What the heck? What is this?  Oh, that's right, that's our linen closet.  Weirdly enough, in a lot of apartments in Nebraska, they built the linen closets to be horizontal instead of vertical.  Yea, we thought it was weird too, but we were able to get in all of our blankets all the same.  (Though, it is equally possible that this picture was taken sideways...oh yea...that would explain it).

Ahhhh...our beautiful guest room.  There is a clock so that all of our future guests can watch how fast time flies as they stay at our house.  Look at all of the beautiful pictures, or better yet, don't look! Peruse our pictures when you come and visit!

Look! Look! We even built a desk (from scratch mind you) for you to enjoy when you come to visit.  You can use your laptop on it, or maybe write a postcard, or maybe just sit down and stare out the window.  Your choice!

What's that? Two windows?  Nope, we decided that since our window goes to Narnia, we'd install a mirror that will transport you to Wonderland (reference to Through the Looking Glass, of course, you all probably knew that.  Smarty Pants.)

Did you ask to use the restroom?  Sure, straight down the hall.  It is the room with the brown theme (yes, brown can be a theme).


Ahhh....(sorry for the short bathroom descriptions, but duty calls). 

Okay, on to the piece-de-resistance, our living room.  A timeless place of serenity and peace.  Please come, put your feet up, watch some TV with us.  

Look out for the giraffe!  Oh, sorry, I've already done that joke.  Please, take 30 minutes to stare in wonderment (yes, wonderment), at our beautiful pictures on the walls.  They took for-e-v-e-r (Sandlot reference, anyone?) to put up.

What do you want to watch?  Basic cable in Nebraska is like deluxe cable in California.  Want to watch the Discovery channel? No problem.  National Geographic?  Sure thing.  How about some ShowTime?  Haha, are you joking?  But you get the picture.  Nebraska cable= tons of channels.

Look out for the gir...oh, never mind.  I'm starting to run out of creativity. Beautiful area of the living room, yes?  Okay, let's continue the tour.  Only five rooms left!

Wow, is that an actual dining room table in Brian & Nina's house?  Why yes it is.  And while Brian & Nina have yet to eat a meal at it yet, it sure looks nice in the kitchen doesn't it?  Again, please take ten minutes to adore the pictures we have set up on the wall.  (For-e-v-e-r).

Is that a refrigerator on our pictures? (Hahaha, sorry, the jokes are getting less funny I know.  Thanks for your patience.  We are already 30% done with the tour).  Wow, are those pictures above the oven?  Why, yes, they sure are.  Thank you for asking =)

Washer & Dryer closet!  Speaks for itself...

Washer & Dryer:  We are completely awesome...

Thank you for admiring our handiwork.

Last but not least, have dry, itchy skin?  Well, ummm....good luck to you, I missed the rest of the commercial.    On a more important note, how do you like the fantabulous (yes, fantabulous= fabulous + fantastic) "B& N Fleming" blocks?  A Jen Proctor creation.  Awesome!

Considering this blog posting is reaching novel length, we will spare you some sanity and stop the tour here (we'll have to cover the last three rooms later, maybe after we figure out where those rooms are going to be). Thank you for all of your support (yes, I'm talking to you, North Platte family, and you, California friend or family member, and you, other people who don't fit in either of those categories).  This blog stays alive through your generous financial donations.  Just-a-kidding, that was the last joke.

For now...

Until Next Time!


  1. I love these blogs! The apartment looks great!

  2. Apartment looks really nice and ... ship shape (maybe giraffe shape?). Really nice blog ... very entertaining. :)
