It's that time again! New blog post coming your way!
In two days...
I'm tired tonight.
Just-a-kidding! I hope I didn't scare you too much. Don't worry, a blog post is on its way!
Here I am!
I am the fabled blog post of the night.
I have come to suck your blood.
Oh, wait, that's the mosquitos' jobs.
(so gross! We shutter with every bug picture we post. You don't know how hard it is to for us to allow bugs in our blog.)
Speaking of mosquitos, we are now taking blood donations to replenish all of the blood Nina has lost so far in her battle against the Nebraskan mosquitos.
(In all seriousness, if you can donate your blood to your local blood bank, please do. Blood banks are always short on donations. And once you donate, you can walk up to anyone in a hospital with an IV,
and say
"you're welcome."
Of course, that person probably will have no idea what you're talking about, and may even call security on you if you go up to them repeatedly. But, seriously, if you donate to a blood bank you'll know that you've helped someone, somewhere, have more blood for mosquitoes to suck out. Kudos my friend, kudos).
Anyway, where were we? Oh yes, Nina + Nebraska= Fresh Mosquito Meat
Thank you to all of you who have given Nina suggestions on how to avoid the pesky mosquitos. To save on time, Nina tried out all of the strategies at once. She hasn't been bit since! Though, we're not sure if that's because the strategies worked or because the mosquitos are still laughing at her crazy antics.
On other, less bloody news, we experienced our first Nebraska lightening storm on Tuesday night. Let us just say,
Because we are speechless, not because we have
become mimes (in case you were worried.)
It was the craziest storm we've ever witnessed. We tried taking a bunch of pictures while the storm was going on, but this is the only one that turned out.
Oh yea, that's a funnel cloud on the left. But look at that lightening bolt! Unfortunately, we can't take credit for this picture. Our neighbor actually took it. Okay, okay, maybe we found this picture online, but that is what our storm looked like. Minus the funnel cloud.
That is all for now. We know your nerves probably can't take much more, what with our request for your blood, and our determination to scare you three-fourths to death with our awesome funnel cloud picture. So please, rest up (we recommend in a bed) and get lots of fluid (we recommend chocolate milk)...
Until next time...
(Oh, you expected this blog to be about our trip to Kearney? What would give you that crazy idea? Well, let us give you a quick synopsis of our trip:
Sonic (yum!).
( cute...)
Target (yay!).
Kearney mall (ehhh).
Dinner (so full).
Blog posting
(deja vu, anyone?).
Okay, so now, rest up
(don't forget the chocolate milk).
Until next time....
(Oh, you expected this blog to be about our trip to Kearney? What would give you that crazy idea? Well, let us give you a quick synopsis of our trip:
Sonic (yum!).
( cute...)
Target (yay!).
Kearney mall (ehhh).
Dinner (so full).
Blog posting
(deja vu, anyone?).
Okay, so now, rest up
(don't forget the chocolate milk).
Until next time....