Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Shout Out to You!

Today, I had a bit of free time.  Free time? You may ask.  With all that is going on; all you still have left to do?  Or you may not ask that, but go with me on this.  Yes, a spot of free time, and what did I do with my free time?  If you guessed building bridges, you'd be right! (Seriously, who guessed that?)  But I didn't just spend time building awesome digital bridges on Cargo Bridge, the most addicting strategy game ever,, (no, I am not a paid spokesperson for this game, but if asked, I might consider it), no, I spent my free time pondering the true essence of bridges. Sutherland State Aid Bridge
Sutherland State Aid Bridge
Only 20 minutes from North Platte, NE.

What is the point of a bridge?  (And in case you were wondering, yes, this is a quiz show blog.  Part quiz question, part blog, this is a qulog.  Sorry, for delaying my answer for 'what is a bridge,' there is something about suspense that is very humorous to me).  A bridge connects one point of land to another, thus, allowing for safe crossing from one location to another.  Duhh, right?  Okay, silliness aside, a bridge is an incredible metaphor for the different aspects of our lives right now.
Put on your thinking cap; I'm about to get metaphorical.

Consider our move to Nebraska:
    We are moving from one destination (hot, rushed Northridge) to another (serene, peaceful North Platte).  We will be crossing many literal bridges to get there.  The bridge pictured above is one of them.  But we will also be using a more metaphorical bridge to help us get there.  Any guesses as to whom this bridge is?  Whom? Yes, whom.  The bridge is you.

-You that are reading this blog right now. 
-You that have helped us with advice, support and love.
-You that will be giving us home and comfort in the weeks to come.
-You, you, you.
Without you, we would be crossing the river of uncertainty, excitement, and anticipation without the necessary support.  Bridges, at least the ones I picture in my head right now, are made from many, many arches.  Each arch holds up a section of the bridge.  You are an arch.  (Yes, you were a bridge, now you are an arch in that bridge =], go with me, don't worry, I'm almost done).  Every person that has supported us in some way on our journey is a piece of our bridge.  The bridge we need to make it safely and confidently to Nebraska.  

So, thank you.  Thank you for your support and your love.  Oh, and thank you for reading through this blog posting, I realize it was a bit unorthodox.  (If you just skipped down on this blog posting to read this end, you have missed out.  Now, when your friends and family say they are our "bridge" you will have no idea what they are talking about =).  Thanks for reading; and, more importantly, thank you for being our bridge!

In case it's not clear, that's Nina on the left 
and Brian on the right.

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