Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

50th Post... Kinda

How Exciting.... it's our 50th Post!!!

(well, according to our dashboard it is - so - we'll run with it.)
What do we have to report, you may ask? Well... we are currently only 11 days from leaving
          California!! Can you (yes, you) believe it?! We are extremely excited!!! 

In only TWELVE days we will be *IN* Nebraska
Twelve Days.
12. Days.Yes, we're very enthused about this. 

In other news - this post is coming to you from a Mac laptop computer. Our Dad cleared it off as it is our Jen's old one, and we must say... love. So many cool features! And, of course, as luck may have it, our main PC laptop REFUSED to turn on and therefore, sadly, passed away on Monday, June 27th
Luckily, our Uncle Shane is an IT guy and did all of this Dr. Frankenstein stuff to it - pretty amazing. So now we have 2 PCs and a Mac, but Brian gets a Mac with his new job, so, really, we'll have a 2 PCs & 2 Macs (we know, it's strange that we'll have more computers than we are people) but then, we suppose, that we'll have the opportunity to pick - or something. 

In other news, since Saturday afternoon we have been at our Aunt & Uncle's house. We will be here until the afternoon of the 4th of JulyWe are very thankful to our family (all of you) for hosting us! We love you!Anyway - that's it for now - except for the12 days thing, everything is all gravy (well, except for us because of Atkins - it's cool) 
Until Next Time


  1. See?! Mac's are so much better than PCs! :)

  2. You'll love the macs and won't have to worry so much about viruses (at least not yet).
