Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

An Interview with Mr. Rack

The last few days have flown by in a colorful blur of craigslist postings, box packing, and car rack installing.  That's right, the car rack we spoke so highly of in the last posting came and we installed it onto our baby Kia.  And not to brag, but everyone who has seen it has told us it looks amazing (of course, only Nina and Brian have seen it, but no matter).
See those two awesome black racks strapped to our car?  
Welcome to Mr. Rack, our new car rack.  We told him his name should be Mr. Racks
because there are two racks, but that didn't change his mind. Mr. Rack it is.

What will you put on your car rack?  You may ask (do you like how I always assume you have questions? Wait, I just assumed again).  Well, let our car rack, Mr. Rack (original name, huh?) answer that for you.  So, for the remainder of this posting, suspend reality, and enter a world where car racks not only engage in interviews, but are humorous, witty, and slightly British.

Me (could be Brian or Nina, you choose which interviewer you want): Mr. Rack, it was a pleasure to install you on our car.  Tell me, what do you expect to be able to accomplish in the future?

Mr. Rack:  Before I answer your question, I want to just mentioned how honored I am to be on your world-famous blog.

Me: You are too kind.  And our blog is just family and friend famous (possibly infamous?) right now.

Mr. Rack: To answer your question, I plan to help you and your spouse hold your luggage and maybe a few boxes on top of your car.

Me: Sounds pretty simple to me.

Mr. Rack: Well, though my job is simple, I'm still a complex rack.

Me: Really, tell me about yourself.

Mr. Rack: Certainly.  I was born in American Plastics and transferred to Automotive Products when I was only two days old...

Looks like this posting is getting a bit long, so if you want to get the rest of the interview with Mr. Rack, you can ask him yourself next time we see you.  Seriously, if you start talking to our car rack, I'll buy you a Starbucks (yes a Starbucks, no other coffee will do).

I hope you noticed that it is much darker in this picture than the first.  It only took
us a few short hours to install the rack.  Yup, it's not going anywhere for a long time.

My random posting is done for now, thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to meeting Mr. Rack. Good job on the installation. Look how handified you are getting.
