Forewarning- Be prepared, this next blog posting will be sweet and sappy in a really gushy, sentimental way. If you are not into that kind of emotional thing, you may just want to scroll to the bottom of this posting. I'll try to summarize this posting for you.
Big, bittersweet, news! Our Hitachi TV has finally found a new home.
Our friends, Danny & Jenn, from our church, have graciously accepted our Hitachi into their family unit. They promise to take care of him and love him as if he were always part of their family (hey, I warned you this would be gushy).
Before we parted with Hitachi for good, we each gave him a farewell hug. Though Hitachi couldn't hug us back, we knew he would miss us too.
A private, bittersweet moment between Brian & Hitachi.
Nina, sharing her last precious, private moments with Hitachi.
So now, there is an empty space in our apartment (and possibly our hearts?) where Hitachi used to live. Hitachi, if you see this posting, have fun with your new family!
If you scrolled down from the top, and don't know what's going on, here's the abridged version:
We sold our TV.
The TV had a good trip and has found it's current setting in our living room. I will send a pic in the near future.