Good Evening faithful patrons!
How are you doing on this fair weathered Tuesday night?
(Please check all that apply).
Well - it's Tuesday - so you know what that means...
it means it has been
10. Weeks.
It has gone by *SO* fast!!
Honestly, we really like Nebraska.
The weather here is so different than California...
One minute it can be raining, the next, hailing, and the next, it's 90 degrees outside.
At first it was hard to understand, however now, it is beautiful, and we can admit that we completely enjoy it!
Coming up, we have been told, is SNOW!
It is almost October... and in Nebraska, we could expect our first snow as early as a couple of weeks from RIGHT NOW!
This could be our backyard before we even know it!!
So - on Saturday - we went to Kearney, Nebraska
(believe it or not, that is pronounced Car-nee)
and went on our first trip (ever!) to CABELA'S!
As you can see from its logo, it's the world's foremost outfitter - very important!
While there we purchased a heavy winter coat (each!), gloves, earmuffs, wool socks, long-johns, beanies, boots, & slippers!
(Brian's on the left & Nina's on the right)
We are THRILLED - and funny enough - the next day - it was about 80 degrees outside...
we must have scared away the chilly weather.
But - don't worry faithful patron - it's Nebraska... the weather will be different in 10 or so minutes, so we'll be able to use our winter gear soon! Thanks for worrying about us, though - you're so sweet.
What else has been going on with us, you're asking?
Thanks - seriously - you are *SO* nice!
Nothing too much... we've been working, working, & working some more.
Don't worry though (seriously, though, you'll get sick with all that worrying - let us worry (haha) about that...), we enjoy what we do (& love that we can use these very expensive & handy degrees of ours), and enjoy spending time together when we're home because...
And on that note - faithful patron - we shall leave you with our sign off...
Until Next Time...
Very Cute ... Love the animation