Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nebraska - via the HISTORY Channel

Happy Saturday!
What are you up to today?
Oh, you want to know what we've been up to so far?
Well, thanks for asking! 
This morning we have been watching the History Channel.
And on the history channel this morning has been an interesting
compilation of the 50 states!
Luckily, we were up in time to hear the five minute spotlight on

Did you know...
that Nebraska's land is
93 percent FARM LAND!!!
And that we produce an extreme amount of CORN!
Yumm. (Did you know that the popcorn here is also AMAZING?!)
Nebraska also, legitimately, has more COWS than PEOPLE!
(there are our neighbors - luckily they're quiet)
Nebraska is also ranked #38 out of 50
in regards to its population!
We barely have any people here!
We were just very excited that Nebraska got a whole 5 minutes of
fame on the History Channel.
Super Exciting! 

Oh - we also noticed that we did NOT share on our
blog about Brian's fame in the Gotherburg Times!
Please, follow this link:
and read about the incredible Mr. Fleming!
Yeah, he's the famous one in the middle ;)

Alright - we're done promoting Nebraska...
(our city earlier last week)

Until Next Time!

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