Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hello, Hello, Hello!

Welcome back, faithful and dear readers! Time to update, time to share! You may be wondering, why the long stretch between blog posts? Welp, our lives in the last few weeks have been busy!
Our weekends, once a time to sit back and reflect through blog posts on our interesting weeks, have been a time for errands, school work, social work and chores to catch up on. 
So thank you, dear blog reader for waiting for our newest posting!
So here we are, what should we talk about first? How about with our biggest announcement?
That's right, we've sold our first home! Woo! 
Just-a-kidding, how about this? We've bought our first home! Woo!

But of course, you know that already. Old news. Well, how about this? We are completely set up in our new house! Would you like to see some pictures? =]

Taa-daa! If it's not clear through the post already, we've very happy with our house =].

Let's see, what else do we have to update you all on? 
Hmm.....oh yes, this is a good place to update everyone on how Brian is feeling. As some of you know, we've been in and out of the hospital for Brian's health in the last week. 

After a few hospital tests, including a spinal tab (not as fun as it sounds), Brian was not found to be infected with any life threatening or major viruses/bacterium. Woo! He's feeling much better now, after a course of antibiotics, sleep, and fluids. Thank you all for your warm wishes and support!

Well, yet again, our weekend is nearing it's end. Brian & Nina still need to pack Nina's luggage for her five day training in Grand Island. Only a few more short weeks till Nina's training ends. Yay! Brian & Nina can't wait. Nina's going to be a great social worker!

Thank you for checking in with us! 
Until Next Time...

1 comment:

  1. Love the cartoon pictures and, of course, the pics of the house. Great blog. So glad Brian is well. Nina, have fun in Grand Island and learn lots.
