Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Twas Four Nights Before Christmas..."

We just whipped this up to spread some holiday cheer (Nebraska style). Hope you enjoy!

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
Everyone was sleeping, except me and my pet mouse.
The stockings were hung on the deer heads’ with care,
But I secretly knew my parents would put my gifts in there.

My brother and sister were jumping on their beds,
“Be quiet and go to sleep!” my parents then said.
Mom in her night gown, dad in his sweats,
Were still up late, feeding our pets.

When outside, a gunshot was heard,
I paused my Ipod, thinking someone had shot a bird.
I got up from my bed to see what was the matter,
Peered through the window and saw someone on a ladder.

The moon was real bright, and obstructed my view,
There was someone outside, but who?
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a sleigh and eight tinny reindeer.

When I saw the driver, so plump and so old,
I knew in a moment: “he must be so cold.”
I thought I should offer him my winter jacket,
But no, on second thought, that’d create too much racket.

The man started yelling, “On dasher! On dancer!
O Comet, and Cupid! On Donner and Vixen!”
I started thinking, “Man, this guy has convictions”
Then it all started to fade away fast,

With the “beep, beep, beep” of my alarm,
He was gone in a flash.
I woke up from my dreaming,
And started screaming:

“Merry Christmas I say! Hope I get an Ipad today!”

Until Next Time!

Monday, December 5, 2011

IIIIIItttttt'ssssss Snnnnooowwwiiing!

Okay, you get three guesses. What is this blog post going to be about? 

No, we're not going to be talking about cute puppies.

Wow, that was cute. If anyone doesn't know what to get us for Christmas yet, we'll take the puppy (Not sure how we'll be able to ship him back to Nebraska though...)

Second Guess? Nope, we won't be talking about amazing Rube Goldburg Honda commercials.

(Sorry Honda, we still like Kia better).

Last guess! Okay, you probably guessed "snow" the first time. If you haven't guessed that this blog post is about snow yet, now's your chance. So, what is this blog post about?



This Saturday, Brian & Nina experienced the biggest snow storm yet!  (For them, at least). After hours of snow fall, North Platte got, not a 1/2, not 3/4's, but one whole inch  of snow! Wooo! Call in the Abominable Snowman; this snow's getting crazy!

(It's so fluffy! (Quick: Which animated movie does that line come from?) But seriously, if you don't know what to get us for Christmas, we'd love to get this guy. Though, the shipping might still be an issue, we hear he's on the "no fly" list.)

See the snow!
See Nina in the snow!
See Brian in the snow!
Poor little Kia! 

Needless to say (though we'll say it anyway), Brian & Nina's coworkers are eager for Brian & Nina to see "real snow". Apparently, this deadly blizzard was just a "snow flurry".

Did we miss anything? Oh yea, tonight, for the first time this winter, the temperature is planning on diving below 0 degrees. Forecast for tonight: -8 degrees.

"Minus 8! That does not happen!" Quick, what random Christmas movie does that line come from?

 Who knew he was yelling about our weather?
 (Hint: it's the same movie as: "I'm in a store, and I'm singing!")

On that Christmasy note, goodnight to you all! Stay warm tonight!

Until Next Time...