Californians to Nebraskians....

Californians to Nebraskians....

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Final Countdown!

Readers from around the globe, this is it! Our whole blog has come down to these final posts. Yes, the Nebraska adventure is coming to a close.

That's right! For those of you who have not heard yet (which, there probably aren't too many of you because we have been shouting it from the rooftops):
(Apparently, we live in the dark ghettos of North Platte and have escape stairs outside our front door. But, you get the picture, no?)

We are moving back to Hesperia, California! 
High Desert here we come! Look out tumbleweeds, get out of the way glaring sun, move aside congested Bear Valley Road, we're coming in!

When? You ask. Allow a much too large, overly dramatic picture number to answer your simple question.

That's right. Seven days, sept jours, sette giorni, sjö dagar, επτά ημέρες, yedi gün, im hungry (just making sure you're still reading!), sete días, sedam dana, etc., etc. God made everything in seven days. In seven days, we are only going to sell off all of our stuff, pack whatever fits in our Honda Fit and leave for Hesperia! So, by comparison, we have it easy. Even still, we're going to be busy!

Why Hesperia? Why not? Sure, California's taxes are incredible, the sun here bakes eggs on the sidewalk (Called the "Hesperia Sidewalk Special", just fyi) and it doesn't have as much shopping opportunity as down the Hill. But, Hesperia has two major things going for it: family and a job. The job? 

An English teacher position at Hesperia High School, Brian and Nina's Alma Mater!
Go Scorpions! 

And so, the Californians who went to Nebraska are coming back to California. This is the end of our journey; but, also just the beginning! Brian will be continuing his teaching career at Hesperia and Nina will begin a career in the High Desert. Life as we know it is forever changing.

Goodbye friendly Nebraskans!

Goodbye humid summers!

Goodbye freezing winters!

Goodbye cattle and corn!

Hello California!

Hello Hesperia!

Until next time!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fall Blog Post is Here!

Hello blog readers from around the world!

Time to update you all at the same time. Are you ready?

Brian and Nina are doing great! They're still enjoying the Nebraska lifestyle, complete with its corn harvests, low populations and down-to-earth people.

Brian and Nina are continuing to make new friends through their work. Always a good thing!
(Yea, just like these friends, but not as famous).

In August/September, Brian and Nina flew back to California for a weekend visit. During which, they got to visit their family and friends. They enjoyed every second of the visit!
(And just use your imagination for all the other family members we visited!)

What are Brian & Nina up to now, you ask? Well, on Friday, both Brian & Nina (as the Speech coaches for Brady High School) will be attending the NSCTA Speech conference in Kearney, Nebraska. After which, the speech season will have officially started! Go speech!

That's all for now! 
Hopefully Brian and Nina's next blog post will include snow. Come on early winter!

Until next time...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Year Nebraska Anniversary!

Happy anniversary Brian & Nina!
Wait, today is not their wedding anniversary. Sorry, weird third person narrator, you are off on this one. 

But's true! Today is Brian and Nina's one year Nebraska anniversary. On this date last year, Brian and Nina arrived in North Platte, full of hopes and dreams. Today, they sit here, writing this blog post discussing how they have fulfilled their Nebraska hopes and dreams. Congrats, Brian and Nina!

In the last year, Brian and Nina have:
-Both started their career dream jobs
-Enjoyed Denver, CO
-Traveled to, explored, and enjoyed:
Lincoln, NE
Omaha, NE
York, NE
Norfolk, NE
Kearney, NE
Grand Island, NE
Scottsbluff, NE
-Adopted their cute dog, Yoda
-Flew to California for Christmas
-Enjoyed hosting many different family members throughout the year
-Bought a beautiful house
-Wrote this blog post!

Join us on July 12th, 2013 for our second year Nebraska anniversary!


Until next time...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June, June, Time to Bloom!

Hello, hello!
Hope you are doing amazing, our wonderful blog reader.
What have you been up to in the last few weeks?
Awww, darn, we can't hear your response. Hhmm...why don't you leave us a comment below to tell us what you have been up to these days?
Why don't we fill you in on what has been going on in our lives?
You'd like that?
How about this update...

We have a new dog!
Now our family is composed of Nina, Brian, Yoda, and...Yeti!
No, not that Yeti.
This Yeti:
Hello, Yeti! Isn't she beautiful?
Another dachshund to complete our family.
Yoda loves hanging out with her and playing tag with her all throughout the house.

Let's see, what else? Brian's dad, just stayed with us for a five day visit. It went great! We all chatted, played games, and Brian and his dad worked on their robot project. Brian is going to be entering the Critter Crunch robot battle in Colorado this October. 
Here's a small sample of what the competition will look like for Brian's autonomous 2lb. robot:

Brian and his dad worked tirelessly to build a perfect battle autonomous battle bot. Here is their final creation:

Wonderful! What is the robot's name, you ask?
It's name is:
Like the leading enforcer of a prison system. Nothing escapes the Warden. The Warden will clear the field of any and all opposition. Additionally, Brian chose Warden to honor his dad's (whose name is Edward) hugh help with the project.
More information about Brian's robot adventures can be found on his year-long journey website:

Now let's talk about Nina!
This week, Nina is on-call for the first time! Exciting, stressful, and busy, all at the same time. She has to be ready to address any crisis at any time, day or night.

Ring, ring!
Who is it?
Oh, another situation needing a social worker to solve?
This sounds like a job for:
Super Social Worker Nina!
On the way!

Let's see...
What else?
We want to do a special shout out to Nina's sister, Kaitlyn. Congratulations on your graduation from high school. We're proud of you!

Welp, that's about it for now. Unless, of course, we forgot to mention something. Which, if we did, we'll be sure to add an addendum to this post.

But, then again, since this is digital writing, we'll probably just create a whole new post showcasing that  topic. Is this explanation an addendum in itself?
Riddle me that...

Until next time...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

One Year Anniversary!

Happy anniversary Californians in Nebraska blog! It's been exactly one year since our first post. One year. 365 days later. Two states later. One dog later...

One dog?

Since when did Brian and Nina have a...


Meet the newest addition to the Fleming household:


Or known by his more affectionate names:





Hope you, our reader, is having as good of a day as we are. Thanks for celebrating our blog's One Year Anniversary! 

Until next time...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fixed Basement

As you may recall from our April 15, 2012 blog post...
Our Basement Flooded.
On the weekend of April 28th, we completely FIXED our basement


It took 11 hours!


It is now DONE & looks BEAUTIFUL!

Here are some BEFORE pictures: (ie: flooded)

Here is the WORK & the FINISHED product:
(we tore up the carpet ourselves)
(Brian scraping some padding and laying some tiles)
(Nina laying some tiles)
(finished product!!)

&... our luck wouldn't be our luck unless our washer/dryer gave out at the same time!
Which, of course, it did!
So, we decided to REDO the floor in our laundry room as well as get a brand new washer and dryer!

(ripped up laundry room flooring)
(old washer/dryer & ripped up flooring)
(new flooring we did ourselves and our new washer/dryer!)

So... that is what last weekend entailed for us!

Until Next Time...